Hard Skull Stafford

Hard Skull Stafford Staffordshire Bull Terrier

Staffordshire Bull Terrier

Mc performance Easy girl.com

femelle Staffordshire Bull Terrier née le 03/08/2009

Informations sur Mc performance Easy girl.com

Sexe Femelle
Couleur Bringée
Puce 250269602823764
Inscrit au LOF ? LOF
Cotation 3 - Sélectionné
general.adn oui
Statut Retraité

Les parents

lesresultatsde Mc performance Easy girl.com

3ème EXC

Mc performance Easy girl.com - 3ème EXC

27 / 05 / 2012 - Régionale d'élevage du CFABAS

Ville: La Machine (58) - - Juge : Mark Davies (UK)

Brindle that was clean in outline. Very clean head and alert expression. Mouth correct. Good front and length to forearm. Enough rib and rearend but would like her fitter. Moved ok. < /p>